Friday, August 8, 2008

Claude Monet Terrace at St Adresse painting

Claude Monet Terrace at St Adresse paintingClaude Monet Poplars paintingClaude Monet La Grenouillere painting
according to the individual. On the other hand almost all women want intercourse very frequently and long and leisurely each time, and sexual scientists support this too. It is admitted also by the highest authorities (they do not know Karezza) that coitus interruptus is the surest of all ways to avoid undesired Pregnancywhile the contraceptives are none of them safe. Now all these things can be reconciled in Karezza. Let the man learn Karezza and his wife can have intercourse as often and as long as she likes, while the occasional failure gives him the relief of the orgasm at the time of his "period" or some other time.
And there is the question of the woman's orgasm. It is held by quite a good many men, some women, and many physicians say the same, that a woman also needs the orgasm, and that if she does not have it her suffers. It is also commonly claimed that the woman's orgasm is essential in conception for the best results.

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