Monday, October 20, 2008

Claude Monet Water Lilies painting

Claude Monet Water Lilies painting
Vincent van Gogh Poppies 1886 painting
excess of the statutory allowance for a widow's legacy), making an exception in her case as having deserved so well of the State." In the second range-that is, in the event of the first-mentioned legatees dying or becoming otherwise incapable to inherit-he put such of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren as were members of the Julian house and had incurred no public disgrace; but Postumus had been disinherited, so this meant Germanicus, as Tiberius's adopted son and Agrippina's husband, and Agrippina herself and their children, and Castor, Livilla and their children. In this second range Castor was to inherit a third, and Germanicus and his family two-thirds of the estate. In the third range the will named various senators and distant connections; but as a mark of favour rather than as likely to benefit. Augustus cannot have expected to outlive so many heirs of the first and second ranges. The third range heirs were grouped in three categories: the most favoured ten were set down to be
Henri Matisse Goldfish painting
joint-heirs of half the estate, the next most favoured fifty were set down to share a third of the estate, and the third class contained the names of fifty more who were to inherit the remaining sixth. The last name in this last list

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