Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Leonardo da Vinci Madonna with the Yarnwinder painting

Leonardo da Vinci Madonna with the Yarnwinder paintingLeonardo da Vinci Portrait of Ginevra Benci paintingLeonardo da Vinci The Madonna of the Carnation painting
friends, Agrippa and Maecenas, Agrippa's part had been that of counselling him against assuming sovereign power; only to let his objections be overruled by the arguments of Maecenas and the enthusiastic demands of the Senate. Agrippa had then declared that he would faithfully serve Augustus so long as the sovereignty was wholesome and no arbitrary tyranny. He was thenceforth popularly looked to and trusted as a buttress against possible encroachments of tyranny; and what Agrippa let pass, the nation let pass. It was now thought by these same shrewd observers that Livia was playing a very dangerous game in making Agrippa jealous of Marcellus, and events were watched with great interest. Perhaps her devotion to Marcellus was a sham and her real intention was that Agrippa should be goaded into putting nim out of the way. It was rumoured that a devoted memoei of Agrippa's family had offered to pick a quarrel with Marcellus

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