Friday, November 21, 2008

Monet A Woman Reading

Monet A Woman ReadingL'hermitte Moissonneurs Mont-Saint-PereMonet Wild Poppies Near ArgenteuilAchenbach Sonnenuntergang am Meer mit aufziehendem Gewitter
need you two as well!" he called to Ron and Hermione, who had been skulking, half concealed, in the doorway of the sitting room.

They both moved into the light, looking oddly relieved.

   "How are you?" Harry asked Hermione. "You were amazing – coming up with that story when she was hurting you like that –"
  "In here," said Bill, opening the door into his and Fleur's room, it too had a view of the sea, now flecked with gold in the sunrise. Harry moved to the window, turned his back on the spectacular view, and waited, his arms folded, his scar prickling. Hermione took the chair beside the dressing table
Hermione gave a weak smile as Ron gave her a one-armed squeeze.

"What are we doing now, Harry?" he asked.

"You'll see. Come on."

   Harry, Ron, and Hermione followed Bill up the steep stairs onto a small landing. Three doors led off it.


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