Thursday, February 26, 2009

Paul Gauguin The White Horse

Paul Gauguin The White HorsePaul Gauguin The SiestaPaul Gauguin Tahitian Women On the BeachPaul Gauguin Still Life with Three Puppies
haired man with glasses. "But I've spent most of my life studying the mechanisms in the brain that are associated with the development of lasting memories. So I thought that I should at least meet the woman."
McGaugh and his staff realized they were looking at an exotic case, perhaps even a scientific sensation. For that reason the dates of all Easter holidays from 1980 to 2003. "It took her 10 minutes, and she only got one of the 24 dates wrong, where she was off by two days," says McGaugh. He had Price repeat the test two years later, and the second time she got all the dates right. "I thought that was especially impressive," says McGaugh, "because she is Jewish. Easter means nothing to her."
The scientists were able to verify her autobiographical data because she has they took a thorough approach, and for five years they subjected Price to batteries of neuropsychological tests, combed the professional literature for similar cases and developed special questionnaires to allow them to test her memory.Once she was asked to write down

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