Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Eric Wallis paintings

Eric Wallis paintings
Edmund Blair Leighton paintings
I shall risk something at that game," answered the lad, "but I will not be the cause of your getting into trouble."
So he took the cord in his hand, and drove away the pig quickly along a by-path. The good Hans, free from care, went homewards with the goose under his arm.
"When I think over it properly," said he to himself, "I have even gained by the exchange. First there is the good roast meat, then the quantity of fat which will drip from it, and which will give me dripping for my bread for a quarter of a year, and lastly the beautiful white feathers. I will have my pillow stuffed with them, and then indeed I shall go to sleep without rocking. How glad my mother will be."
As he was going through the last village, there stood a scissors-grinder with his barrow, as his wheel whirred he sang,
I sharpen scissors and quickly grind,

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